Saturday, June 28, 2008

Inflatable Electric Cars

XP Vehicles, Inc. is an electric powered automobile technology startup with patent protected technologies utilizing safe non-grid-connected energy cassettes to produce the electricity to run a polymer airbeam, carbon fiber constructed ultra light automobile. Goes 300 Miles on one charge. Hot swapping can increase the range indefinitely. Hot-swap XPack Multi-CoreTM Battery/Fuel Cell power plant has been patented Vehicles can be flat-pack shipped directly to users. Users perform final inflation. Cost less that $5,000. This may be a real innovation. Special stabilization provides stability on the road. Some speculate that air cushion makes the cars very safe in collision. May be able to survive going over a cliff!

Listen to the clip of Jim Russ and Dr. Richard Shurtz, President of Stratford University, and host of Tech Talk, a program about computers and information technology talk about this amazing vehicle.

Visit the Website at: