Saturday, July 26, 2008

Washing a car with a Sponge

I have heard that you should never wash a car with a sponge. What's wrong with using a sponge? Also, when waxing the car I know I should use a microfiber towel. Is there something about using the Microfiber towel I need to be concerned with?

You should be using a wash mitt such as the one on the left, especially if the car happens to be black in color! The reason is real simple. If you look at a sponge the little pores in it are closed, and as you wash those pores pick up little pieces of dirt. As you go along it becomes like sand paper. Since most people wash in circular motions you will see a lot of dark colored vehicles that have circular, almost swirl marks seen under a light. Use a mitt with a deeper nap for less chance of damage.

Yes, when you use a Microfiber towel, on the corner there is this paper looking tag that gives you some instructions on where it is made, and if you look real close it will tell you to remove this tag before you use it. If you don't, again this Innocent looking tag will scratch the paint of a clear coat paint finish.