Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Miss Belvedere... Miss Belvedere...

By now I would assume that everyone knows the fate of Dear Miss Belvedere.
(Be certain to click on the link at the end for the latest photo gallery)

But, was it a delight? or a disaster?... That really depends upon your point of view and also what you were expecting from this 'time capsule' endevour.
I personally was hoping to see that Miss Belvedere had survived the ravages of time with little if any harm.
After all, she was "properly" sealed and entombed to suffer little if any harm for the next FIFTY years.
Imagine my heartbreak when I saw those first reports and pics.
The "capsule" had leaked.
In fact, from what I could see in the pics, the whole dang vault was FILLED with water.
I can see the water-line in the pics, ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP!

So here I am, wanting to place blame and tell them so-and-so "engineers" how they *should* have built it, how they *should* have realized basic liquid/hydraulic properties.
How their PHD's didn't mean squat and how *I* had more common sense than them!

Thank Goodness they couldn't hear me!

You see, it took a few days for my common sense to return.
A few days for my disappointment to wane.
A few days until I could REALLY appreciate the TRUE meaning of Miss Belvedere.

As the days went on, more and more reports and pics of the Tulsarama event became
available (I must admit, they did a good job keeping the website up to date).
Especially the contents, THE TOTAL CONTENTS, of the "time capsule".
And also the people, they were not sad. Everyone was jumping out of their seats!

THAT is when I finally realized...
It didn't matter what condition Miss Belvedere was in!
It didn't matter if ANY of the contents survived!

This was about HOPE.
A better future.
Our (their's) prediction of what the future may hold, NOT THE PAST!

We all know "dust to dust" (refer to your favorite scriptures for the whole answer).
We CAN'T stop what is "gonna be" or even "what was".

We can see however, evidence of what we wanna be and evidence of what may come.

As you peruse the pics at the official site, keep in mind the glory of this endevour, the effort that was put into place, for our benefit.

Also take careful note how well preserved (WELL PRESERVED) the items are from
the capsule within a capsule.

You will be DELIGHTED!

How many of you remember these records!!!

Go here to see the most recent pics!!!


Pics from
