Monday, June 04, 2007

Seat Belts

You jump into your vehicle, turn the key and start the motor, put it into gear and off you go. Did you forget to do something?? How about buckling up. In most states, that’s a law. But what do we mean by” buckling up”? It means to put your seat belt on. Why should I wear my seat belt? Because it can save you from injury or even death. The seat belt is a harness designed to secure the occupant against harmful movement that may result from a collision or a sudden stop. Seat belts are intended to reduce injuries by stopping the wearer from hitting hard interior elements of the vehicle or preventing the wearer from being thrown from the vehicle. Most seat belts are equipped with locking mechanisms that tighten the belt when pulled hard like by the force of a passenger's body during a crash, but do not tighten when pulled slowly. They work with a centrifugal clutch, which engages as the reel spins quickly. Alternatively, they may also be secured by a weighted pendulum or ball bearing: when these are deflected by deceleration or roll-over they lock into pawls on the reel. They are included in the cost of your vehicle. Why not use something that you are paying for.Buckle up and you will definitely stay with your loved ones a lot longer.